Misinterpretation is the worst part of the human being. Misinterpretation hampers the relationship. It happened to me too. I was in class nine when somebody misunderstood me. One of my junior had mendi in her hands and I asked her who made and she told the name of one of the seniors name. I appreciated it by telling it's so beautiful by the the beautiful person. She just smiled and didn't anything else.

The next day, the senior girl came to meet me and she scolded me very badly. She didn't give an opportunity to speak. She told it in the negative of my appreciation. really didn't know what interpretation that junior gave to the senior. Senior told me that what does I mean by such words. I was about to explain the matter but she was the one who was speaking and speaking. She told that she is not scared of anybody not even principal and has even scold to principal. At that time, I didn't believe her because my few friends  had already scolded for her misbehavior with them and she couldn't speak with them at that moment.

I was just listening to her and was not serious about her words. After few minutes, I had stopped listening to her. What she was saying I didn't care. After half hour, she completed her discussions with me and went in her class. Meanwhile, my friend came and asked about the discussion and I explained everything to her. She, then, said that that senior is little bit mad. She understands most of the think in negative way and whoever told about the mendi, she is also the same.

I don't know why she misinterpreted that I told in a negative way. I told in a good way with a good sense. I don't why she did it. For some months, I didn't with the senior nor did she. I didn't bother about her. But later, she came to speak with me and I even spoke with her.

I realized that what happens if the words are misinterpreted.  It really harms the relationship and your psychology. If it is not explained in the time, it will not be explained your whole life. At that moment, I couldn't explain because she didn't let me explain the condition.


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