In 2064 B.S., my second year exam was held. Exam center was near to my home. Fortunately, in second year, the exam went well. The questions of most of the subjects were easy especially, environment science.

The subject environment science was difficult subject. Most of the students used to be fail in the environment science in the terminal examination. But in the board examination, the questions were easy to answer. More than that, the exam center was not so tide.

Finally, after one week the exam was over. At the last day of examination, we were called at the college. We were called for the improvement of the college. We had interaction with the teachers. Most of the teachers told that we didn’t have proper practical and field visit. We didn’t get an opportunity to visit FMs and TV stations which was true. We didn’t get an opportunity to visit them. Furthermore, there was no wall magazine as we planned to do so which didn’t succeed.

After giving suggestions, we left. The interaction was almost for two hours. When class twelve was over, on one hand, I was happy and on the other hand, I was sad. To say the truth, I was 80 percentage happy and 20 percentages sad. At that time, I felt I didn’t get good friends.  When class twelve was over, I felt if I had got good friends, I could be nice person but felt I was spoiled. I don’t know what made me think like that.

Most of the time, when I go flashback, I only remember the days rather than plus two. I miss my childhood friends rather than plus two. Although, plus two friends were nice, I don’t miss them much. I do remember them sometimes but not so that I miss them.  There were no such beautiful moments that I can remember of plus two.


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