Last time I read the book called "Princess” a non friction novel written by Jean Sasson which is about the true story of life inside Saudi Arabia's Royal Family including Princess Sultana Al Sa'ud and women of Saudi Arabia. I found very close to the context of Nepalese in the sense that till now most of the women are backward and still they are being discriminated in terms of sex.  Besides that, it shows that how much people can do to get their desire especially male.

Jean Sasson travels to Saudi Arabia, she became familiar with many Arab Countries. In 1983, Jean Sasson met Saudi woman, Princess Sultana Ali Sa'ud. As slowly, they became very good friends. Jean Sasson, the writer was able to know about Princess Sultana. And Prince Sultana wanted Jean Sasson to write about her life story. For the first time, a Saudi woman that is Princess 'Sultana' reveals the truth about royal members and world of forced marriages, sex slavery, honour killings and other outrages against women. She wants readers know about her life and wants changes in South Arabia. She also wants us to know about Saudi women in terms of women's life, status of women and the ill-treated by men to women through this book. In this way, the book Princess came out. 

Princess ''Sultana", a real Saudi Princess being Princess, she lives those contradictions with priceless jewels, many servants and was provides education, ample food and beautiful gowns but no freedom in doing jobs, giving opinions, no votes and no control. Even she was unable to see outside world. When daughters give opinions they were scolded and ignored them by thinking that they have no right to give opinion in men's business and no right to interfere.

When she was a young girl she was unloved by her father, tortured by cruel older brothers. Her sisters were not given education, love and education. Her mother managed to educate her daughters but Princess's father refused it. Her father only loved sons. They were allowed to do jobs, give opinions, give votes and their mistakes were ignored. If daughters do not mistakes and sons do mistakes in front of their sisters they were not supposed complain. If complained, they have to give their toys to their brothers to play. If daughters do any mistakes they were punished and they were left hunger or kept locked.

When Princess's sister Sara got married, after few months they, husband and wife divorced. Even when Princess got married, they were divorced because their husband wanted more sons to continue their business and in Saudi Arabia there is a system that one man has more than three wives.

If sons are not born, then men used to marry another woman to birth son. Until sons are not born, men used to marry again and again. If sons are not born, women are treated very badly and cruelty. Women were treated as animal and were suffering from domestic violence. Sons are the sole reason for marriage. Saudi Young women are forced to marry old men and became the third of fourth wife. Saudi women were brought and sold for marriage because to give birth to son.

Although Saudi Arabia is rich in petrol but economically people are backward and unable to have proper food, clothes and education. Although women work  hard, they are unable to get facilities.

 (This was written in 15 March, 2010.)


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